How Often You Should Get Fitted for Your Golf Club
Presently, almost every golfer knows the essence of getting fitted for golf clubs. A good reason why you will always find a golf club fitting shop in nearly every neighborhood.
That’s great. Right? Yes. It means golfers now understand the concept of getting fitted and how much impact it has on their overall performance.

However, it seems something is still missing. A few golfers have contacted me to ask how many times a golfer should get fitted for golf clubs. Now, the fact that a large number of golfers are asking the same question sounds an alarm.
I guess there are still many other people out there pondering on the same question. And for you to be reading this article, it’s more than a guess that you are also one of them. Or, perhaps, just curious?
Now, the question of whether to get fitted or not is more. What we have now is how often a golfer should get fitted? Well, that’s progressive. But, it needs more clarity.
Of course, every golfer needs to get fitted for their golf clubs to improve skills and performance at some point in their golfing career. But what happens after that? I guess that’s where the bone of contention lies.
Like every other golfer out there, I know you want to clarify whether getting fit should be a once-in-a-lifetime process. Or, there’s an accurate number of times you should do it. you can learn about how to improve golf clubs skills by visiting at https://www.thelocalgolfer.com.au/category/golf-clubs/
Alright. Let’s make it simple.
Generally, golfers that play more often should get fitted for golf clubs once in 5 years. It is also ideal for checking the wedges and forged irons once in two years because they experience more wear and tear. For putters, they can last for a lifetime. Golfers should also allow their fitters to check the drivers once in 5 years.
Now, that is a general rule. Meanwhile, general rules do not work. Why? Because each player differs in terms of how often they play, level of skills, golf club brands, and more.
So, to determine how frequently you should get fitted for your golf club, you need to consider the three factors below.
A wrong golf club can require regular fitting
Firstly, the essence of getting fit is to ensure you are playing with the right club. Hence, club fitting would make a massive difference for you straight away if you are playing with the wrong golf club.
The reason being that you would have been having difficulty in achieving some desired results on the course. But, the wrong golf club in your hand might have been a frustrating obstacle. You can imagine yourself playing with a golf club. If the club has a wrong lie angle, shaft, and weight for your swing, it can negatively affect how far and accurately your ball flies and hits the target.
In that case, contacting a qualified fitter to get fitted for the right club will soar you to a greater level of performance at once. Every eye will notice it.
However, you might not have the same incredible experience if you are playing with a golf club that is already suited to you to some extent. That is why some golfers will benefit more than others after they get fitted for golf clubs.
Meanwhile, the benefits of getting fitted for golf clubs are not exclusive to better golfers. Even a beginner can come back from a club fitting shop and become a sensation on the course. I can say this as much as possible: you don’t have to attain a certain level of professionalism before you benefit from club fitting.
So, the type of club you are playing with has a significant influence on how often you would have to get fitted for your golf clubs. Your drivers, wedges, irons, and putters are different. Hence, you need to break your bag down and separate the main club types to help you make a better decision.
In summary, if you come back from your fitter with the right clubs that suit your game perfectly, you might not go back in the next five years or even more. However, if the prescribed golf club does not work perfectly for your swing, you might need to go back there very soon.
Wear and tear can on your golf club show you need another fitting
This way is the most accessible means to know whether it is time to go back to your club fitter or not. When you notice that your golf club is underperforming, you already know it’s time to go back to get fitted again.
If you are a type of golfer that doesn’t take proper maintenance of your golf club seriously, it will break down over time, and you will have to purchase a new one and get fitted. Also, if you prefer changing your clubs from time to time, you will have to get fitted for the new one.
If your golf club is right for you and it’s in good condition, you may likely blame your poor performance on reading the green or imperfect strokes. But, immediately you notice that your club is damaged. Your following line of action should be buying a new one and getting fitted for it.
How often you play also determines how frequently you get fitted.
If you understand this article carefully, you will discover that how often you use your golf club is a substantial contributing factor. It affects how often you book a visit with your fitter to get fitted.
Are you are a regular player? Or you team up with playing partners who play regularly? Are your playing partners outdriving you? or you discovered that you are hitting the ball lower than your previous hits? Even if you suddenly start to take shallow divots with your standard irons, but you take big ones with your wedges, all these are indicators that it is high time you rechecked them.

Getting fit is essential for the best performance on the course. While there are seemingly general rules that suggest how often a golfer should get fitted, the above-listed factors will help you make an informed decision. When you observe some irregularities in your swing, you will have known the time is right to go back to your fitter for another club fitting.